All products have a life cycle. That includes podcasts. They gain an audience. They lose the audience. They have a beginning. And they have an ending.
The big trick is to know when your product has outlived its lifespan.
With a podcast it's how to know when to stop podcasting.
In this article I'm going to give you five tips to help you determine that it's time to stop podcasting.
1. When you start rehashing old subjects and stop adding new information.
Podcasts are a regular production of content. As a result they tend to go through topics quickly. If your subject is wide enough this isn't a problem. By the time you start repeating topics your audience will have forgotten, will have changed or will be happy with your adding more information to the topic. However, if your topic isn't that wide you can find yourself in the situation of repeating topics even though you don't have enough information to justify revisiting the topic. If this starts happening regularly you may want to stop podcasting.
2. Your listener base has dropped too low for value.
Let's be clear here. You're not going to the work of creating a podcast for your health. You're doing it for a purpose. Without a listener base there's no point in your creating a podcast. If no one is listening you need to do something to get people to start listening again. You can try changing the format. Or change the topics. Or you can decide to quit podcasting entirely.
3. The effort to create your podcast exceeds the value of the traffic
One of the reasons for you podcasting is to gain traffic. Like videocasting or article marketing it's a way to funnel interested people to your website. But it does take work. Maybe not as much work as the alternatives but it still requires work. If you are not getting a return on this investment then you need to consider how you can increase your traffic. This might be accomplished by changing the format or by changing your advertising or the keywords. However, if you can't increase the traffic by one of these actions you should consider stopping podcasting.
4. You've tried new formats and have still not been able to restore the podcast.
One of the things that professional broadcasters do when they aren't getting the results they want is to change the format. You need to do that as well. Try interviews or several columns. But if you've tried all your options and you're still not getting the results it may be time to give up.
5. Never.
Let's face facts here. Podcasting is one of the easiest ways to gain traffic and build your reputation. If you're not getting the results you want change your podcast until you do. Bottom line is you should never have to stop podcasting.
Podcast Transcription: Converting the Spoken to the Written How to Begin Podcasting the Right Way The Art of Podcasting How To Pick A Great Name For Your Podcast
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